Editor’s Note: Where the Wind Blows


John 3:8   The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So, it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

God has been taking me on dates. This is nothing new to me, I have shared it with you before (check out this previous post), but his style and grace continue to amaze me. Yesterday afternoon, I was at home minding my business when I was reminded of an Instagram post about Taco Tuesday specials at my local Mexican food restaurant. "What a great time and place to go on a date with self" I thought, but then debated if I should go. As I washed up, got dressed, and applied my make-up, I still was in debate. "Go", said the Spirit. 

In the past, I visited this restaurant a couple of times and established a relationship with some of the staff. On my last visit, the kind bar manager had given me a gift certificate for a free appetizer, so I was excited to try something new. There was a short rib queso listed so I planned to have that when I arrived. I took my probiotics and headed out.

Once at the restaurant, I asked to be seated at an individual table instead of the bar. I had brought my notebook and pen with the expectation to write a blog post on dating yourself, but as always, God switched up the plan. After being seated at an individual table between two larger groups, I moved because the space I was overcrowded. I then met a young lady who also ordered the same thing I had, and we talked, sharing our interests and future goals.  I also shared with her my church’s information, as in conversation, she mentioned that she was looking for a new church. 

Like the wind, the Holy Spirit came in and changed my plans for the day and my expectation for date night.  For the past few months, God has been calling me out of my shell to network and fellowship. His plans always exceed my expectations, and for this I am grateful. 

Be Encouraged,





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