Editor's Note: Jesus is in the lonely place/ My solo trip to LA

I recently took a solo trip to Los Angeles, California. My soul had been wanting to go since I last visited in the Spring of 2021. I lived there for a little while in my late 20s and fell in love with the weather, the palm trees, the lifestyle, and the beach. I had it on my vision board to go sometime this year but kept putting it off. After praying about it in August and receiving confirmation from God, I booked my ticket to go for a weekend the following month. I made an itinerary, packed my bags, and headed to LA.
On Friday, September 6, I landed at the Los Angeles International Airport around 2 PM. The flight took five hours from Charlotte, North Carolina, and I stayed at the Los Angeles Airport Marriott Hotel. Once I got settled in my room, I refreshed myself and headed in an Uber to my favorite soul food restaurant, Dulan’s Soul Food Kitchen. For lunch I had baked chicken, macaroni and cheese, collard greens, and cornbread. It was so good. After eating, I walked around in the neighborhood for a bit and took an Uber back to my hotel. I then relaxed by the hotel pool until later that evening.
On Saturday morning, I woke up, exercised, had my morning prayer time, and got ready for my big day. I was going to Venice Beach. After getting dressed, I grabbed a Starbucks sandwich from the lobby of the hotel and anxiously waited for my Uber. It was 105 degrees. “Everyone is headed to the beach on this hot summer day.” said the radio host on the radio of my Uber. “Make sure you drink a lot of water.” It was a hot day, but I was glad that it wasn't raining. When I got to the beach I visited the breakfast cafe, eggslut, and tried their famous Truffle Hashbrowns. I then grabbed an iced coffee from Menotti’s Coffee Shop ( the best cafe experience I’ve had in a while 10/10). and walked to the skatepark to watch some skateboarders. I then sat on the beach for three hours letting the sun shine on me and listened to the sound of the waves. It was just me and Jesus and it was so peaceful.
In Luke Chapter 5 verses 12-16, While Jesus is in a town, a man covered with leprosy (a term used for various diseases affecting the skin) comes to him falling with his face to the ground and begging Jesus to heal him. In verse 12 the man said "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean". In verse 13" Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing" he said. "Be clean!" And immediately the leprosy left him. Jesus then tells the man not to tell anyone but show himself to the priest and offer sacrifices for his cleansing. But though Jesus told the man not to tell anyone, the news about Jesus spread and people came to him and to be healed of their sicknesses. Verse 16 says "But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.
Before I had went on my trip, I was feeling lonely. I saw people online taking trips with their friends and I wanted a friend to go on a trip with me too. But Jesus reminded me that He is my friend. He assured me that He would be with me along the way. During my trip, I was able to hear myself think, woke up when I wanted to, did what I wanted to, and was poured into by God the Father. Is there a lonely place that God is calling you to? Pray about it. He will give you revelation to go and will be with you along the way.
Be Encouraged,
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