Editor's Note: Visions of Love...Creative Expression for the Lovers

Hello Dear Friends and Family,

Happy New Year! Can you believe it's 2020 already? ( And we're already in the month of February, Geesh!). As you may know , if you've been following me for some time; it's one of my favorite months of the year because of Valentine's day.Please excuse me for not writing in a while. I've been busy working on my goals for this year, as well as dabbling in some new things for this blog. Including this Valentine's Day. I am hosting an event I am excited to tell you about.

This Valentine's Day, February 14, 2020 , I am partnering with Hostelling International Boston ( a branch of Hostelling International USA, also known as American Youth Hostels, Inc., a nonprofit organization that operates youth hostels and runs programs around those hostels), for a Valentine's Day Vision Board creating experience. I came up with this idea while creating my own vision board  this year at home in my room after reflecting on how much of an impact last year's vision boards had on my personal and professional goals and achievements. I had posted the board up on my wall in front of my bed, and whenever I looked up I would see it. Everyday, a word or specific image would speak out to me and it would be on my mind for the day. 

For those of you who may not be familiar, a vision board is a dream board (also known as a collage),  of images and words representing a person's wishes or goals, intended to serve as inspiration or motivation. Over the years, many people (including celebrities), have recommended making and using one such as Oprah, Steve Harvey and many more. From the impact mine's had on my goal achievement,  I wanted to share with others and decided what better day to create one with other's than Valentine's Day. This would give those are not familiar or did not create one at the beginning of the year, a chance to make one and use love as the foundation to guide them. Attendees will create vision boards of how they perceive and/or desire their love life to be for themselves, in their friendships and relationally. I look forward to sharing the outcome with you all but until then,  Here is the information and registration link to attend if you are in the Boston area. I hope to see you there


Want to know why Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday? Read this post here


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