Feature of the Week: Kingahnah Nolligan, Software Engineer and Blogger
1) Who are you?
My name is Kingahnah Nolligan (King-A-nay). I am a Software Engineer, mentor, blogger, and Blerd. I have been in the Tech industry for over 15 years with a Bachelors in Computer and Information Science. I currently work on a team as a Senior Engineer, advising colleagues; helping with code reviews, and helping with maturing our agility as a Lean Ambassador. I also recently volunteered as a mentor for an apprenticeship cohort with Road To Hire, where I meet weekly with my mentee to provide advice and feedback on his progress.
2) What is your blog, program, agency, or organization about? When did it start?
I have been interested in technology ever since I was a kid. I used to play a lot of video games growing up, which eventually led to computers. In high school, I volunteered to help in the computer lab and set up PCs throughout the school. I knew then I wanted to pursue a career in Software Engineering. I started my blog, “A King’s Journey in Tech” mainly to help shed some light on areas of the industry that will hopefully help individuals navigate complex situations as they pursue a career in tech. My larger goal is to mentor more Engineers, so they have a safe space when dealing with some of the situations I call out in my blog.
3) What is your mission? Why do you feel strongly about this area of interest?
I have worked for quite a few places over the years, but it was only recently where I felt like my life-work balance was strong enough to really pursue my passion of helping others who look like me get into, and advance, in the tech industry. I feel like there are too few Black voices in the room and I want to change that. I want to inspire and encourage those who may be on the fence about Software Engineering or an adjacent practice to begin their journey.
4) If someone asked for your feedback on how to live their best life, what would your response be in one sentence?
“Time is our most valuable resource that we can never get back; plan accordingly to live in the present moment as much as possible.”
5) How and where can people find more information about you?
You can find me on Instagram: @akingsjourneyintech (Blog page) or @kingofnay (Personal Page)
Website: https://akingsjourney.substack.com
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