Editor’s Note: You are the Gift

Friends and family, Can I tell you something? I don’t have it all together. I don’t think that you think I did, but I thought you should know anyhow. Sometimes I am anxious, I mean really anxious, and my mind gets overwhelmed. I get anxious about how overly organized I am, how sometimes I can't sit down and strive to complete my skincare routine in under 30 minutes in the morning, but I can't. Those are a few of my issues.

 Sometimes, I can’t even pray because my mind is on overload thinking about what I have to do next. I am overprotective of my family members and many times it’s hard for me to trust people. There it is, that is the truth. That was a lot to release, *breathes*.

I am sharing this with you all because this Christmas, this New Year, I want you to remember that we all have flaws and no one is perfect. The only perfect person who was and is to come is Jesus. We don't have to be envious of anyone, and we don’t have to be jealous. We were each molded and created in the eyes of the creator. God knows we aren't perfect and He still loves us. In spite of our flaws. May we know and believe, now and forever,  We are the gift. Jesus loves you.

Merry Christmas, 



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