Lifestyle: 3 Vitamins To Help Boost Your Immune System this Winter

For many of us around the world, wintertime is almost near. Though snowfall and holidays like Christmas are some things we look forward to, colds and flu season is something we do not. To get ready for the new season, we suggest you implement the vitamins below through your diet or supplements to help build your immune system. As always, before trying a new supplement, check with your doctor to make sure that it doesn’t conflict with any current medications.

 1. Vitamin C- Found in fruits and vegetables such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, strawberries, spinach and kale, Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, well known for supporting a healthy immune system. The body is unable to make it on its own, so it is important to get Vitamin C in your diet or in supplement form.  According to a 2021 article on, Research shows vitamin C is “ essential for the growth and repair of tissue all over the body”. It also helps repair wounds and maintains strong bones and teeth and cartilage. In addition to these benefits, it is an antioxidant. “Antioxidants are molecules that boost the immune system. They do so by protecting cells from harmful molecules called free radicals.”

2. Zinc- Like Vitamin C, Zinc also helps maintain the immune system and helps heal wounds. According to WebMD “Some studies have found that zinc lozenges may reduce the duration of cold, perhaps by a day or so, and may reduce the number of upper respiratory infections.” Found in foods such as oysters, poultry, whole grains, and cereal, if you are unable to get Zinc from your diet, you can also take a supplement.  WebMD recommends a daily allowance of 8 mg for females 19 years and up, 12 mg for pregnant women between the ages of 14-18, 11 mg for pregnant women 19 years and up, and 11 mg for men 14 years and up from both food and supplements.

3. Probiotics-  Probiotics are living microorganisms (also known as good bacteria), that can help with digestion and balance out healthy and unhealthy bacteria in your stomach. Some foods that contain probiotics are Greek yogurt and fermented foods such as pickles and kefir. Though your body produces probiotics on its own, depending on what you eat and put in your system, healthy bacteria can become unbalanced or replaced with bad bacteria which can cause sickness and other ailments.  An article found on states “More than half the cells that create antibodies for fighting sickness are in the intestines and other organs in the gut, according to If you have healthy gut flora — the balance of helpful bacteria and other organisms in your intestines — you may be less likely to get sick. Some probiotic supplements we have tried are Trader Joe’s Probiotic Women Formula for Women or Goli Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies .



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