Editor's Note: Southern Hospitality, the phrase we can all benefit from

In a survey on twiddy.com, over 2000 Southern and Non-Southern Americans were surveyed on what Southern Hospitality meant to them, "the top answer was politeness, followed closely by good home cooking". 

Before visiting the South, the phrase “Southern Hospitality” was something I had heard of but had never experienced. Up North, I heard people joke about it or mention it on occasion, but it wasn’t really real for me until I visited North Carolina in 2019.

 I visited Charlotte, North Carolina in 2019, to attend a live sermon at Elevation Church. I had been following the services online since 2016 and had finally gone down to attend in person. And when I tell you that "Southern Hospitality" is a real thing, It's a real thing! From my shuttle pick-up at the airport to departure, I was greeted by many, asked how I was doing, and received many smiles. There was even a time at the hotel when a gentleman greeted me while I was on the phone. Can you believe it? While I was on the phone.

As someone who grew up in the cities of Boston and Manhattan, this Southern way of welcoming, politeness, and greeting, was new to me.  After my first visit, I already wanted to go back. Truthfully, I wanted to move. The pace was slower, the weather was great, and the people were kind.

In August of 2021, I moved to the South ( next month makes it one full year), and this way of living and greeting has become my norm. My wish is that it will become a global norm. Will you help me greet a stranger, smile at someone, or give a gentle nod today? Let me know how you feel in the comments. 

Be Encouraged,


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