Editors Note to Women: Exude Confidence

CONFIDENCE-a feeling or consciousness of one's powers or of reliance on one's circumstances

I haven’t always been confident. It’s something that I’ve learned and am learning to be more of day by day . There are days when I feel great, and others when I don't (when I’ve gained a few pounds or struggle with hormonal acne), However; even when I feel this way
 I just can't stay there.
, I have to pick myself up. Here’s a few things I do to increase my self- confidence.  
I hope they work for you too.

1.Read and Listen to Motivational Books and Videos- I am currently reading Woman Evolve by Sarah Jakes Robert’s and listen to Grace for Purpose videos on YouTube for inspiration. The two remind me how God sees me and how my confidence should be in Him rather than just myself.

2. Listen to music that makes me feel confident like this playlist here. I made this for you “).

3. Spa Day - I like  to treat myself to manicures and pedicures at the nail salon , but sometimes I do them at home . I buy some epsom salt, nail polish, cotton pads, a nail file , remover, and a pumice stone (all of these things can be found at the dollar store), and  fill the bathtub with warm water, add a 1/2 cup of epsom salt and boom, a DIY pedicure  .  If you try this at home I suggest lighting a candle and playing some music in the background while your feet soak as it helps to create a nice ambiance.

4.Get Dolled Up and Take Pictures-  Sometimes I liked to get dressed and take “selfies” . It’s my own personal photo-shoot. I put on my favorite outfit , lipstick, spray on some perfume, and may even have a glass of wine . The self timer option on the camera has become my new best friend . Who needs a photographer ? :)

5. “ Me Time” Date -  Sometimes I treat myself and have food delivered but if I feel like cooking I prepare my favorite dish of baked salmon , mashed sweet potatoes and broccoli with a glass of Shiraz red wine or seltzer on the side .  After eating I watch  a movie ( most likely an African movie on Netflix),  because that’s my thing .

What are some things you do to exude confidence ? Please share in the comments .

Be Encouraged,



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