Feature of the Week: Lady M’s Organizing

1) Who are you? 

My name is Fabiana Marangon. I am Brazilian, a New Yorker by heart and an Bostonian by choice. I am 54 years old and in my third career as a professional organizer. 

2) What is your blog, program, agency, organization about? When did it start?

My company is Lady M’s Organizing located in the Back Bay area of Boston, MA. I officially started two years ago, but have been organizing closets for a very long time.

3) What is your mission? Why do you feel strongly about this area of interest?

My mission is to help people conquer their clutter, and to create a peaceful and efficient environment. I truly believe that an organized home helps with anxiety, and also saves time and money.  As a person who has dealt with their own anxiety ; I had to create a system for everything. When everything is in order, everyone can function. Clutter creates chaos and chaos creates anxiety. Imagine living in a place that when you open the door you feel calm, knowing where everything is gives you power. Organization is not just a system, but can be a habit. Most of my clients are overwhelmed, so I give them the tools and a jumpstart. I even teach them how to fold!

4) If someone asked for your feedback on how to live their best life, What would your response be in one sentence?

"Be brave, be tenacious, be kind and trust the universe."


5) How and where can people find more information about you?

@laymsboston Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CI64KdQh8g3/

Email : fabianamarangon@me.com




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