Feature of the Week: Copywriter, Blogger & Marketer, Lauren Thomas

1) Who are you?

I'm Lauren Thomas, a native and  resident of Indianapolis, Indiana. I have my own business in marketing which I found through my love for writing. I've had a love f0r writing since I was a child and have been blessed to be able to figure out a way to monetize that. I am also a mother. I have a six-year-old daughter named Hunter. She lights up my life with her funny, yet “diva-ish” personality. 

2) What is your blog, program, agency, organization about? When did it start?

I started my journey as a blogger in January of 2018. Later that year, from the advice of my mom, I made a Fiverr account and started my career as a freelance writer. From there on,  my clients and services grew. I am approaching my third year in business, and while it can be stressful; I am very proud of how far I’ve come. 

My blog is a predominately lifestyle blog and can be found at www.laurenenchanted.co. I write about different things I have been through, as well as give advice on life, writing, and running a business. 

3) What is your mission? Why do you feel strongly about this particular area of interest? 

I am still defining my mission in so many ways, but in my heart I feel like it is in some way tied to connecting people. I love conversation. People naturally connect to me, and I enjoy being the person who people feel comfortable venting to knowing they will not be judged. Knowing I am a natural connector and having a love for writing, I feel like my divine purpose is somewhere in between the two. 

I am  also very passionate about community. I feel like the old school community where brotherly love was a norm has disappeared and am doing my part to find creative ways to bring it back. 

4) If someone asked for your feedback on how to live their best life? What would your response be in one sentence?

“Block out everybody and everything and do what you love”. 

5)  How and where can people find more information about you?

My website has more information about my businesses and the services I provide. I can be found on Instagram @LaurenEnchanted.co, Facebook @LaurenEnchanted, and Twitter @LaurenTWrites.


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