Devotionals: Fill me up Lord!


Psalm 42: 1 For the director of music. A maskil of the Sons of Korah. As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.

Feeling empty ? Lonely ? Imbalanced? Ask the Lord to fill you. His grace is sufficient. Let’s Pray:

Lord I looked to the world, but it couldn’t fill me. I looked to man, but He couldn’t fill. There is nothing like your grace , nothing like your overflow. I belong to you. Come into my heart Lord. I’m in need of your grace , your strength , your healing. I trust you and am trusting you to fill those lonely places . Those spaces I feel a void, Fill me up Lord.

For more encouragement listen to these two songs :

Fill me up by Tasha Cobbs:

Fill me up by Casey J :

 These two songs have ministered to me. The enemy does not like it when we worship, but we have to let him know that no matter what; God deserves the Glory. Fill us up God !

~ Be Encouraged,



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