Devotionals: Be Humble, Lowly and Forgiving

1 Corinthians 13 1-3 If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.

Today I participated in an online event that I registered for last week. Busy and catching up on other things, I had completely forgot about the event until I received two reminders in my email inbox. I had found the event on eventbrite and the event was titled " Ways of Connecting: Film screening, Poetry, discussion" hosted by Studio 3 Arts and The Faith & Belief Forum of Spring 2020. I joined the event because I thought it would be a networking event for people in film and poetry. Little did I know that this event would touch my life in many ways, and it would teach me and remind me more about something other than film and poetry. The short film was awesome and so was the poetry. Most importantly, it reminded me to love. 

The Faith & Belief Forum, formerly 3FF (Three Faiths Forum) is a Forum in London, United Kingdom that has worked tirelessly for over 20 years to build good relations between people of all faiths and beliefs, and to create a society where difference is celebrated. They create spaces in schools, universities and workplaces and the wider community where people can engage with questions of belief and identity and meet people different from themselves.  The film featured was about ten Barking and Dagenham residents (a London borough of East London) of different ages and backgrounds; reflecting on their faith, beliefs, and life stories. As I waited to join the meeting, I had no idea of what I was getting into. 

 As I was joined to the meeting, I saw people of all walks of life on the little boxes on the screen. I later learned that all of the people on were from Barking and Dagenham, London, United Kingdom and I was the only one participating from a different state and country. Though I was from a completely different area and unfamiliar with the borough, everyone kindly welcomed me, and I felt the least bit awkward.  The video conference room was diverse with blacks, whites, elders, and young people, all together and listening to a woman share what would be covered during the event. As the short film was previewed, I realized second by second why I was there. I was a part of this circle and was meant to be there. I'll tell you why below.

The film that was previewed was about 10 residents of the borough, Barking and Dagenham in London, United Kingdom. The ten residents in the film were all different; some were Christians, some were Muslim, some young, others old, some who did not believe in God; however, they all had hope and shared their experiences living in this borough and how this particular program The Faith & Belief Forum allowed them all to come together and share their beliefs and understand each other's differences. Though they all were different, they all had common goals. The goals we identified during our discussion were Hope, Love and Community.  One quote I remember someone sharing was " Love, Hope, and Dreams, bind us together". Another person quoted " Differences make Community". I was touched by the work of the forum, the movie and the overall experience. Love for all is what I strive to stand for and believe most of want to stand for that too. Together we are to be a community and stand with one another. I encourage you my brothers and sisters to spread love today. 

Love you ALL and Be Encouraged,


For more information on the The Faith & Belief Forum check out their Facebook page here:

Want a free copy of my E-Book "For the People! 7 poems of Love"? Click here, sign up and use coupon code: WV64D (coupon good through 7.19.2020)


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