Editor's Note: God will give Us Mahogany (strength)

( Living, Loving, Encouraging Pageviews  since April 2016)

I have to admit, everyday of my life isn't apple pie and vanilla ice cream. Sometimes I feel saddened, down and out. Confused. Thursday was one of those days. I woke up irritated and in disbelief. Are we still moving through the Corona Virus? Do I have to put on gloves to go out? A mask too? What should I wipe down first? Where are my Clorox wipes? These are the daily questions I ask  myself. Covid-19 has put a halt on the world. It has had a impact on all of our lives, as well as many other things.

Though that day I had those feelings, God did not let me stay in them. He reminded me that I was alive, healthy and well. He also  reminded me that I have family and friends that love me, including you all. After praying and taking a nap,  I felt restored.

For the first 10 minutes of my nap, I tossed and turned. I fell asleep and was awakened by a dream that I was in a hospital elevator and a young lady said to me " God, will give us Mahogany". It was then when I woke up curious about what this meant.  I found out that Mahogany is a tree traditionally from Central and South America and it's wood is pretty rare and expensive. According to http://www.forestgeneration.com, Mahogany symbolizes Strength.

Friends and family, I believe that God will give us strength in these times . 

Be Encouraged,



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