Inclusion: Happy Martin Luther King Day

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that”.

Happy Martin Luther King Day everyone! Growing up as a young African American woman, my grandma always made sure that I was informed about the people that paved the way for us and who had a positive impact on the world. She taught me about leaders such as Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Abraham Lincoln, Malcolm X, John F Kennedy, Martin Luther King and many more. These people fought for positive change despite hindrances, struggles, and circumstances. Today, I am happy to be a part of the path that was created as it encourages me to also be a leader of change and allows me to connect in such an intimate way with so many of you from all over the world. May we never forget, those who have paved the way for us and created change. 

Be Encouraged, 



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