Lifestyle: Why Companies Should Provide their Employees a Paid Wellness Day Off

Imagine a day where you go into work feeling refreshed and restored.  The day before; you slept in, woke up a little bit later than usual. You had time to sit down and sip your brewed coffee, and also tuned into your favorite morning show. 

After watching your morning show, you sat by the window for a few and wrote in your journal about your plans for the day. 1) Hit the gym , 2) Have a light lunch ,3) Get a deep tissue massage and 4) come home for a relaxing bubble bath. Thereafter, you made yourself dinner for one and it was a beautiful day. There were no work emails, no work phone calls. You even told your family and friends you would be off the grid for the day to rest up. You got into bed early and had eight hours of sleep. You slept peacefully because you had such a wonderful day, and also, it was a paid day off. 

What if every job with benefits provided a paid, wellness day off to their employees? Would this benefit help to create an environment where people look forward to coming into work because they know that their emotional,mental, and physical well-being is considered by management in the workplace? Would this benefit  help to prevent staff burn out and also help to retain staff? In my opinion, I think companies should  incorporate this day into their benefits package so staff could take one day off per month to help to prioritize their health.  It could even replace a sick day so employees wouldn't t feel like they have to be sick to take time off. 

 According to the Global Wellness Institute ( a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a mission to empower wellness worldwide by educating the public and private sectors about preventative health and wellness), Wellness is the active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic healthIn their 2016  Everyday Health survey ("Unlocking the Power of Company Caring"), of full-time American employee's, The study looked into how Baby Boomers/Gen X/ and Millennial employees, felt about their work culture and wellness programs. The study found that " it was not wellness programs that boost worker health and productivity –but whether employees identified that company as genuinely “caring.  A main factor that they found was that when an employee identified their company as “caring about their health/wellness,” their overall health, stress levels and job engagement improved significantly." See below for the results on the Top 5 Workplace Drivers of Wellness for Gen X/ Baby Boomers and Millennial's, and let me know what your thoughts are on Wellness programs/ initiative in the workplace. For Millennial's, a top driver was that their company would care about their personal wellness. Do you think incorporating a wellness paid day off in your workplace would make a difference for your personal wellness? Would  having this benefit make you feel that your boss or company cared about your personal wellness? Let me know your thoughts.

1) Can choose my own work path/projects, 2) Onsite or subsidized childcare, 3) Onsite recreation, 4) Nutritional counseling, 5) Opportunity to grow
For Millennial's: 1) My company cares about my personal wellness, 2) Feel my work has positive impact on people’s lives, 3) Health insurance, 4) My boss/manager cares about my personal wellness, 5) My employer is supportive

Generally, workplace “intangibles” and emotional factors have the largest impact on employee wellness, especially for Millennial's, who want to know, above all, that their company, managers and co-workers all care about their personal well-being. For this rising generation of workers, “caring” is the very heart of workplace wellness."
For more on this article click here
Be Encouraged,



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