Feature of the Week: Blogger and Creator of Nii Nation Media,Christopher Phillip

1) Who are you?
My name is Winston Christopher Phillip, some know me as both Winston and Chris – I would prefer Chris. I would call myself a hustler (an entrepreneur), with many different talents and curiosities which I am hoping to build on and leave a small piece of legacy behind for my family. I am much laid back and humble, ‘out-of-this-world-thinking’ kind of person; but filled with hustling aggression to see success.

   Coming to know who I am is greatly owed to my self-awareness. I would say that came generously ‘on time’ about 8 years after what I would call a “prevail or perish” kind of transition in my life when I had to move back to my home country, Trinidad and Tobago. In this, I started turning back the pages in my book, and searching the latter part of my 20’s to find myself once again. One thing that definitely helped me remain sane during this transition, was my passion for music. Even though through the process I had lost my zeal; once again with finding myself I have found it back and it’s a sweet note in my ear. If not with all my heart, this is by far the one intangible matter that I love the most. Along with this comes my personal unique way of writing that I believe God has gifted me with. 

2) What is your blog, program, agency, organization about? When did it start?
I have 2 major passions currently – My Blog and my small business start-up, Nii Nation
Media, (there are other minor and growing passions too). My blog for right now, circles around inspirational writings that can be applied personally and professionally. I came upon the notion to start a blog, as there was a need welled up in me to meaningfully contribute to the development and encouragement of persons in their personal and professional spheres. My current startup, Nii Nation Media, is a Social Media Company with all web-based services that I can provide to anyone from my back yard to around the world. You can find Nii Nation Media on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Our main service is to help market small and medium sized businesses, entertainers, and really anyone with a social media page who needs our assistance managing their platform and growing their audience. We also do jobs such as Logo designs, web page designs, promotional artwork, video editing for vlogs , podcasts and much more. Nii Nation Media is named after my son (Niijha Winston Phillip), and was only started 8 months ago with the idea to help manage someone’s business page. Building on the idea, my wife and I decided to expand the venture to build this company and leave behind for our kid(s) one day – our legacy.

3) What is your mission? Why do you feel strongly about this particular area of interest?
My mission, simple! To give value to others through my content and messages in
ways that I may encourage them. Life is a cycle, this we must learn. If I give value to you, hopefully you would be encouraged to reach your goals and someday give value back to someone else. I feel passionate about the concept – particularly towards younger people. My passion is to teach them not to make the same mistake from generations before, teach them what life has to offer, and let them know that it’s never too late and there is always time and different options to explore. And more over all,  to teach self-awareness and that it is the key to success in life.

4) If someone asked for your feedback on how to live their best life? What would your response be in one sentence?
I would say “To live your best life, you must first start to live and have balance with
everything you do”. Living your best life means, you have joy (not happiness which is situational), and are at peace with what you do every day.

5) How and where can people find more information about you?

It’s always a pleasure for me to connect with new people,  I love to
surround myself with positive energy in my life. If you ever want to stop by my blog you can visit either below:

 IG: w.chris.p
 FB: Chris Phillip
 Linkedin : Winston Phillip


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