Devotionals: Jesus Take the Wheel

Jesus Take the Wheel,
Because I can’t do it alone.

I try and have tried it on my own, but I seemed to have lost control.
You are the driver. Take control of the gears . Lead my paths Lord, I trust your way.

   The other day I listened to a message titled “Moving Beyond Anxiety and Worry” by Christian Author, Speaker, and President of Joyce Meyers Ministries, Joyce Meyers . The message (published on YouTube in 2014),  talked about putting our hope in God, and trusting him in our most difficult times . To open, Joyce shares a joke on how for the past 45 years in marriage with her husband; every time she wants to talk about or is concerned with something difficult in her life, he always tells her to  “ Cast your cares” . She says that as for as long as they have been married , there has never been a time where he has said something different. Overall , she loves her husband for this as he encourages her to give her problems to God.  Many times in life, there are things too big and too much for us to handle. The only thing we can do is give it to God.

Psalms 55:22 Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall.
   It wasn’t until last night and up until recently, where I realized I have no other choice but to cast my cares to God . I have tried and tried to handle it myself but each time I find myself getting weaker and weak.  Outwardly I try to keep a smile on my face and keep pushing, but behind close doors, I hurt. Truth is, I am a good concealer of my emotions.
   Since I was a child, I have learned to hide my true feelings and only be vulnerable with what I want . I can cry over spoiled milk, but the real pain I harvest like a seed in my heart. Can anyone else relate ? Unfortunately, now as I get older; that same pain has grown into a tree, and my heart , body, and mind aches to birth it out. Thoughts of suicide have crossed my mind , but By God’s Grace I rebuke these thoughts and speak Life into my life. I am worth more and have so much to offer to the world . I realize that in order to heal, I have to cast my cares to God.
   In sharing this, I want to encourage you to cast your cares and give your problems to God . I also recommend talking to someone, a social worker or therapist. As an "Empath" (someone who is always looking to help and look out for others),  it is impossible to help others if we don't help ourselves first . I hope in sharing this, God's Spirit empowers you to trust him and believe .

God you are my Creator and Redeemer and the only one that can sustain me. For many years Lord, I have looked to different vices;  man , people, places and things. Help me to remember that you are the only one who can restore me, take on my burdens. Men can only do so much . In addition, remind me that casting my cares on men can bring them to a point of exhaustion and leave us both drained in the end . Your strength is available to infinity. I thank you for it in advance.

Be Encouraged,


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