Editor's Note: 10 Things I'm Grateful for this Thanksgiving

  1. God's Presence in my life- Without God's Presence in my life I don't  know what I would do. I know for a fact I wouldn't be here to share and tell stories with you all and to share my testimony. Many time's God has proved to me he is faithful and true. He has saved me from imprisonment and has saved me from death. For this I will ever be grateful. 
  2. Direction and Guidance from the Holy Spirit-  I have spent much time in my life arranging and making plans. As someone who thought one day I would be an Event Planner, I enjoyed making plans for everything; Personal, Professional, Relational. Though I made many plans, God  continuously proved to me that " My Plans were not my own". This year and moving forward, I am reminded that it is okay to make plans,; however, if they are not in God's will, they will not be brought forward to fruition. I now say when making plans, " If it is in Gods Will, it will be so".
  3. Family and Friends- Where would I be without my family and friends? This year I am grateful for the relationships that have grown and also the ones that did not continue on. I am grateful for my mom and my brother. My best friend Emily. My grandma, GG. These four people are my biggest cheerleaders and supporters. They encourage me, and also give me feedback and constructive criticism. If you are reading this, " I Love You All and Thank You for being in my life".

  4. My Co-workers- This summer I started a new job at a hospital and being that this was my first time in the medical field, coming into it was a bit challenging . I didn't know much but was open to learn, and many of my co-workers assisted me in their own way. Whether it be verbal or hands on; each person was patient and open to share their knowledge with me. I am happy to be apart of their team and am grateful for all of our teamwork and contributions to make things happen.
  5. Wisdom-When I was a child, I thought like a child, spoke like a child. But Now, Now I use Wisdom.  Common sense, Good Judgement. I try to think more about my words and actions and the results they will have. Is what I am saying or doing going to benefit me? Is it adding to my life? Is this adding to someone else's life? Life is about making choices and decisions, and when you use wisdom, life just seems to flow better. I try to listen more to the Spirit and the inner voice.
  6. Pastors and Teachers- I am grateful for the Pastors and Ministers that have aided me to God, Have helped me to grow in the Spirit, and have dedicated their life to teaching people about God and his goodness. I am grateful for their dedication to the church, their love for others, their conviction and word of God's truth. Shout-out to the two Pastors and Minister who have taught me so much and encouraged me to live a life worthy of my calling ,  Pastor Bruce Wall and Minister Wendell Hobbs from Global Ministries and Steven Furtick and his team at Elevation Church!
  7. Surgeons, Doctors and Nurses- They work so hard, they dedicate their time and life to healing and fixing others. Without them, where would we be? 
  8. Healthy Food Options and Resources - Back in the day there weren't as many nutritious and healthy food options as there are now. Especially options that were Gluten Free, Vegan, Vegetarian. Almond Milk? Coconut Milk? Soy Milk? Vegan Cheese? Our ancestors would probably laugh at the things we request and eat today. I am grateful for the different resources and options available. They help my body and my gut.
  9. Partnerships and Connections- I am grateful for the people I meet and connect with each day. Whether it be in real life or social media, it is a beautiful thing to communicate with others. I am grateful for  Ms. Champagne who I met via social media, Nikki Michele,  Angelina Castaneda. These are a few bloggers I met maybe 1-2 years ago and we still follow one another online. They have taught me things and we have worked together on things. It's a beautiful thing to have relationships  all over the world!
  10. For you all- I am extremely grateful for all of you who follow Livinglovingencouraging or follow me on social media. I am grateful for your engagement, your support. Thank you all and I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!
Be Encouraged,



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