Devotionals: Love Thyself & Walk with your Head Held High

“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline.”  2 Timothy 1:7

From the age of 10 to my teenage years (to even many of my adult years) , I suffered from lack of self -esteem and confidence. As a pre-teen, I constantly broke out with facial acne , was a bit overweight, and was bullied because I was different. Most of the children my age( at school at least ), were interested in swear words , having a boyfriend/ girlfriend, truth or dare, and I wasn't the least bit of interested.  I felt most comfortable, alone or around family . 

At the age of 14, I still enjoyed playing with Barbie dolls ,reading , writing and games like hopscotch and Double Dutch . My mother taught my brother and I to be content in the house with books and things around us, rather than watching television and playing outside all day . My mom wanted us to be children and to not grow up too fast . A benefit of this, I fell in love with education, a con, I always felt alone and like I didn’t fit in. I felt like I would never be accepted. It wasn’t until I reached the age of 15 and went to high-school, that I decided I wanted a change. I adapted many of the ways of the world around me, and fell into habits of the people around me to fit in . The more I tried, the  more  I realized “ Fitting in could burn you” . The fun would last for a little while, but then , the trouble would come .

Finally at the age of 29, I am now embracing each and everyday, more of who I really am (the good and the bad).  I make changes when necessary, and constantly looking ahead towards growth. I have come to acknowledge and accept, I am special the way God has made me, and no one or anything can take this away. I encourage  you  today to believe the same .

No matter who you are , the mistakes you have made , the things you have done; God Loves you and He always will. All you have to do is be true to you, strive to do good and be kind to others . Life is too precious to waste away and worry about what people are saying  about you, what they think of you. The negative thoughts you think of yourself . As long as you love you and know we have a father who loves you unconditionally, you can walk with your head held high and keep it moving.

Be Encouraged,


Need some music to lift you up and encourage you to be the person you know you are and want to be ? Listen to these songs
I Am a Winner Jekalyn Carr
U Deserve Neyo
I Love the Way you Love me Jekayln Carr
You Will Win Jekayln Carr
I Am not my Hair India Arie
Level Up Ciara
Happy Pharell


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