Devotionals: Keep Upward. Don't Stop Climbing!

Philippians 3:14  I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

The Apostle Paul was no joke. He is one of my all time favorite persons in the bible. After being convicted from God about his wrongdoings and blinded for three days, then healed; Paul was on a non-stop mission to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the 1st Century World. Paul traveled to numerous cities telling people about God’s Love, the saving of lives through his Son, Jesus Christ,  and also encouraged people to turn away from their wrongdoings. No matter what he endured, persecution, blasphemy, jail-time; Paul still kept on and preached the message. One of his goals,  to share the Gospel with as many people possible and also be steadfast and consistent with the purpose God had placed on his life. His ultimate goal, to one day go to Heaven and be united with his Lord and Savior. Paul’s message through the Holy Spirit has convicted me and I wanted to share this message with you all today.

In 2007, I graduated from High -School. Thereafter, College was a goal of my mines but after graduating in 2012, it didn’t stop there. After thinking I made it then, I realized I had to find a job. Nonetheless, a career. Just when I thought I found my career, I outgrew that.  But despite personal, professional, spiritual and financial hindrances, I still keep on. I will keep on until I reach my ultimate goal.

I’m telling you from experience friends and family, setting and reaching goals is a never ending experience . Once you meet one goal, it’s time to aim for the next. There is always room for improvement, for elevation, to aim higher. Tired of your job you’ve been at for years? Aim for a promotion. Exercising and doing 20 push-ups a day? Try 30 next time. Been with your partner for forever? Think of new things and set new goals to meet  in your relationship. I encourage myself and you today to press on. Press on and keep moving forward.  Don’t Stop Climbing!

Be Encouraged,



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