Feature of the Week: Josie Ong, Host and Producer of the Affirmation Pod Podcast.

1) Who are you?

I'm Josie Ong, Host and Producer of the Affirmation Pod Podcast.

2) What is your blog, program, agency, organization about? When did it start?
Affirmation Pod was originally the Affirmations for Healthy Living Podcast, which started in 2013.  Since then it's had millions of downloads and helped listeners around the world boost confidence, manage stress and create happiness.

The podcast features (usually) short affirmations and meditations where you can listen and experience a positive, healthy mindset.  The episodes are free and listeners often listen in the morning and/or at night, on the way to/from work or even during work!

Some of my most popular episodes are "I Love Myself," "Confidence Booster," and "Affirmations for Success and Focus at Work."  I also have a membership program called ACCESS where you can get the episodes without the ads and announcements and I also publish bonus episodes and playlists that you won’t hear on Affirmation Pod.

3) What is your mission? Why do you feel strongly about this particular area of interest?
I lead people to lead themselves through modeling what positive self-talk sounds like.  I share in each episode that Affirmation Pod is "your home for self-care and reflection" because I want it to be a place where you can safely and comfortably address negative thinking, limiting beliefs and your inner critic.

One of my favorite quotes is "Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny" from Mahatma Gandhi. I strongly feel that the words we tell ourselves and beliefs we have about ourselves, DO create our world.

4) If someone asked for your feedback on how to live their best life, What would your response be in one sentence?
I would say that your best life is up to you, so what do you really want?

5) How and where can people find more information about you?
The podcast is available at AffirmationPod.com, Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you enjoy listening to podcasts.  Just search for Affirmation Pod.  My digital products, including my free worksheet "6 Steps for Making Changes" are at JosieOng.com. For the New Year I have published a free episode called "Your Best 2018".  It is a reincarnation of last years notable "Your Best 2017" which takes you through each month of 2018 and you can visualize your transformations and victories. For more of this podcast follow 
AffirmationPod.com/Best2018  .


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