Lifestyle: How Goal Setting and New Year Resolutions Helped Me Face My Fears

RES·O·LU·TION- a firm decision to do or not to do something.



Noelani’s 2017 Resolutions
-Spend more time with God
-Work on Time Management and Planning
-Journal more
 -Revamp Website
- Write 2-3 blogs a month
- Read 1-2 books a month
-Workout 3-4x a week for better health and weight loss
-Continue Exploring NY (Visit Museums and other attractions
                               -Research and Identify writer role models and inspiration
- Land a job of my interest

Prior to 2016, I never set a New a Year’s Resolution." Can you believe it?"
Each January 1st that passed, I accepted it as it came, prayed all would go well, and would say to myself "I'm gonna be a better me, than I was before". But actual goals, Nope, not me.Then on December 31, 2015, everything changed. I was sitting at a round table for a potluck dinner with friends of mine and some people I had just met, when one of my friends suggested that we all go around the table and share our New Year’s Resolutions.

 “Oh goodness, here we go again” I thought.  As I started to think about what I would say, I got nervous.  I had just broken up with my fiancé, was overwhelmed with my job, and didn’t have time to think about the future. I just wanted 2015 to be over. Now I had to think about the next year.While in thought, someone said to me “Noelani, it’s your turn”. I thought for a few seconds and said “To learn to swim”.   Since the age of eight, swimming had always been something I had interest in, but  after a visit to Trinidad with family in 1994,  I almost drowned in Maracas Beach and had a fear of deep waters ever since. I later found, that this resolution would open up the doors for me, for so much more. The underlying goal was facing my doubts and overcoming my fears.

It is now a new year later, and though I did not learn how to fully swim (I still need a little practice), I am very proud of myself. In 2016, I  learned how to stay afloat above water, how to kick my feet in the water, and also feel more comfortable in general.  After setting and reaching my swim lesson goal,  I was inspired , and added other resolutions to my list. In 2016, I stayed a week in a jungle in Hawaii ( in efforts to conquer my fear of bugs), got my wisdom teeth pulled out, and even moved to a new city. One resolution ignited the fire for another, and I look forward to striving to reach my goals for 2017. To 2017 Resolutions!

Be Encouraged,



  1. Wow I can truly testify to your goals. I am very proud to say that you have conquered your fears. Now just live and let go and let God. He will definitely do the rest. He he's holding your hand. Believe it and keep pressing forward.


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