Devotionals: Justice for the Oppressed
Psalm 103:6 " The Lord works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed."
Tears streamed down my face as I watched this young woman sit down next to a homeless man on the train, and look him up and down like he was scum.I was on the number 1 going home after work, and had just experienced a similar look from another woman who examined me from head to toe. It was at that moment that I realized that I was not the only person being looked down upon. This experience was something we as humans unfortunately had to deal with everyday. No matter who you were, what you wore, and where you were from; there would always be someone that thought you weren't good enough.
Five minutes into the train ride, the woman sitting next to the man got up out of her seat (still staring the man down with evil eyes), replaced her seat with her bag, and stood up to the side of the man. At this point, I started to feel bad for staring,but wanted to examine how this situation would play out. Would the man say something, or would he just ignore her? It was evident that the woman wanted the man to know through her actions that she thought less of him. The man looked her in the eyes, then put his chin into his chest. His eyes and face were downcast.
As each minute passed, I felt my heart begin to harden. I shot the woman a glare in anticipation to give her a smart remark.The man must've felt my spirit because he looked up at me, and then looked back down. As anger began to consume me; I glanced back to the eyes of the man. His eyes were gentle, and soft. I don't know what it was, but something about the man felt angelic.
I thought to myself regarding the matter.The enemy was pushing me to say something, but my mouth would not open up. God began to convict me. "They persecuted my son. Why are you surprised at how they treat man? They threw stones at Jesus. Why do you think they will not throw stones at you? ". With these convictions, the tears begin to roll down my face even faster than before. I couldn't even hide it. God also reminded me about the scripture I had read earlier in the day Jeremiah 29:11. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."
What I received from this conviction was that the matter was out of my hands. An evil look, persecution, hatred; these were things that people all over the world dealt with everyday. I wanted to act on the situation, but God did not need me to. Although Jesus endured many trials, was made a mockery of, beaten, and crucified; God still had a plan. A plan to prosper, and not destroy. Because of Jesus's death, our sins were forgiven. Because of Jesus's death, we were made alive in Christ. After Jesus's death, He rose again, and after 3 days; Jesus sat on the right hand side of God. All of this was a part of God's Divine Plan.
With this said friends and family, God has it all under control. At times we may not understand the reasons why such things occur like they do, or why there is such animosity in the world, but I know he didn't allow me to say anything to the woman that day for a reason. God had the matter in his hands. Just like Jesus rose again; the oppressed will also rise up. For the Lord has plans to prosper us, and not destroy.
Be encouraged
Tears streamed down my face as I watched this young woman sit down next to a homeless man on the train, and look him up and down like he was scum.I was on the number 1 going home after work, and had just experienced a similar look from another woman who examined me from head to toe. It was at that moment that I realized that I was not the only person being looked down upon. This experience was something we as humans unfortunately had to deal with everyday. No matter who you were, what you wore, and where you were from; there would always be someone that thought you weren't good enough.
Five minutes into the train ride, the woman sitting next to the man got up out of her seat (still staring the man down with evil eyes), replaced her seat with her bag, and stood up to the side of the man. At this point, I started to feel bad for staring,but wanted to examine how this situation would play out. Would the man say something, or would he just ignore her? It was evident that the woman wanted the man to know through her actions that she thought less of him. The man looked her in the eyes, then put his chin into his chest. His eyes and face were downcast.
As each minute passed, I felt my heart begin to harden. I shot the woman a glare in anticipation to give her a smart remark.The man must've felt my spirit because he looked up at me, and then looked back down. As anger began to consume me; I glanced back to the eyes of the man. His eyes were gentle, and soft. I don't know what it was, but something about the man felt angelic.
I thought to myself regarding the matter.The enemy was pushing me to say something, but my mouth would not open up. God began to convict me. "They persecuted my son. Why are you surprised at how they treat man? They threw stones at Jesus. Why do you think they will not throw stones at you? ". With these convictions, the tears begin to roll down my face even faster than before. I couldn't even hide it. God also reminded me about the scripture I had read earlier in the day Jeremiah 29:11. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."
What I received from this conviction was that the matter was out of my hands. An evil look, persecution, hatred; these were things that people all over the world dealt with everyday. I wanted to act on the situation, but God did not need me to. Although Jesus endured many trials, was made a mockery of, beaten, and crucified; God still had a plan. A plan to prosper, and not destroy. Because of Jesus's death, our sins were forgiven. Because of Jesus's death, we were made alive in Christ. After Jesus's death, He rose again, and after 3 days; Jesus sat on the right hand side of God. All of this was a part of God's Divine Plan.
With this said friends and family, God has it all under control. At times we may not understand the reasons why such things occur like they do, or why there is such animosity in the world, but I know he didn't allow me to say anything to the woman that day for a reason. God had the matter in his hands. Just like Jesus rose again; the oppressed will also rise up. For the Lord has plans to prosper us, and not destroy.
Be encouraged
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